"This year
I'm honored to gift an original painting of one of CTR's ocelots,
who I'm sure his adoptive parents will recognize! Having visited
Carolina Tiger Rescue many times, I am constantly impressed by
the dedicated staff and individual attention each animal receives.
This 55 acre compound is filled with beautiful healthy tigers,
leopards, lions, ocelots, and caracals, to name just a few, who
are very fortunate to now be a part of CTR. Each enclosure provides
ample space for these wild animals to romp, or just snooze in
or on their private houses. It has been my privilege to personally
met these handsome creatures along with the committed people
who care for them." LR
Black Ties &
Tails Ball will
take place on Saturday, February 23, 2013 at Washington Duke
Inn, Duke Campus, Durham, NC. Limited tickets still available.
To learn more visit: http://www.CarolinaTigerRescue.org